Education, at all its various stages, can pose many challenges for students with autism. With the right support, autistic children can thrive in any education setting.
A poem from lived experience, by Julie, an En-Fold mentor/befriender
A warrior parent is something to be.
Fighting the system for my family.
But sometimes I’m tired and just need a break but feel I can’t stop, there's too much at stake.
There’s a form, an appeal, keep running that wheel.
Cannot stop, never give up.
A workshop, a meeting, no time for seating
Cannot stop, never give up.
Child’s in a mess, anxiety, stress, and look at the house, it's in such a mess.
Cannot stop, never give up.
Never a moment, never a pause, must keep on fighting for the cause.
Cannot stop, never give up.
Never enough sleep, no good counting sheep. Living on coffee, nothing can stop me.
Cannot stop, never give up.
A warrior parent is something to be. Fighting the system for my family.
But please do take note, and please do reflect.
Everyone needs to stop for a sec.
Take a deep breath, grab a seat when you can and just take a moment to be a person.
Even a warrior needs to get rest if they want to remain at their very best.
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En-Fold, 15 St Giles Street, Northampton, NN1 1JA
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Disclaimer: En-Fold does not endorse treatments, interventions and therapies but lists them so people can make informed choice. This site is for information purposes only and is a starting point for readers to look into options that may fit or resonate. Remember, therapies for autism, like any condition, should be discussed with a trusted medical practitioner or certified therapist before use. All information, data and material contained, presented or provided here is for general information purposes only and is not to be construed as reflecting the knowledge or opinions of En-Fold, or as providing legal or medical advice. All treatment decisions should be made by the individual in consultation with a health care provider. Case studies provided are done so in good faith, and based on the personal experience of the individual submitting them. En-Fold are in no way endorsing the establishments that are mentioned but offering peer reviews to inform readers.